Meet the team

Welcome to the forest!
arch.I.tect was devised for Skidmore College Theater's 2021 SpringFest, a (mostly) entirely student-run festival. In an effort to continue the festival's mission of prioritizing equity, arch.I.tect tried to operate as an ensemble of equals.
Instead of a single director, we had a "Lead Collaborative Team" [LCT]. The members of the LCT blurred the lines and responsibilities of director, dramaturg, designer, and deviser. Though we all had specialties within the group, we each had an equal hand in the conception of the work.
We encouraged actors and designers to contribute to the piece by submitting their writing. The design team was present for most rehearsals and participated in both brainstorming and improv sessions. Actors and designers also participated in the creation of the world of the play and the script, which is not the norm for a theater production.
We created this piece as one team.

LCT and Movement Coordinator

Props Master and Assistant Scenic Designer

Lighting Designer and Ensemble


Faculty Director and LCT

LCT, Stage Manager, and Sound Designer


Video Designer and Ensemble

LCT and Assistant Director